Dec 30, 2009

Anamika (1973)

After being betrayed by the love of his life, who preferred getting married to another male settled in the USA, an embittered and heart-broken Devendra Dutt, author by profession, prefers to stay single. Then one day while driving home, he, his uncle, Shiv Prasad, and his secretary, Hanuman, come across a woman who was thrown out of a car. They find out that she is wounded, and take her home, and let her be examined by their family doctor, Irshad Hussain. The next day, the woman wakes up and claims that she is Devendra's wife. Perplexed and angered at this intrusion, Devendra would like her to leave immediately, but his uncle and Dr. Hussain persuade him to let her stay for a few days more. Shortly thereafter, an attempt is made to abduct this woman, and Devendra comes to her rescue, and subsequently falls in love with her, while she continues to believe that she is his wife. Then several incidents lead Devendra to believe that this woman, who he now calls Anamika, is really a prostitute by the name of Kanchan. Before he could confront her with this information, she disappears from his life. Will Devendra be able to find out the truth behind Anamika or Kanchan? Did Anamika really lose her memory or was all an act to ensnare Devendra?

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