Dec 10, 2010

How to Improve Facial Skin: Emergency Measures

How to improve facial skin: emergency measures:On the eve of an important event happened on your face redness, inflammation or jumped pimple, cause for panic. The situation can be corrected, even if you have in reserve a few hours.
Upon discovering his face reddening, do not panic, it is better to proceed immediately to act decisively.
1. Peppermint to the rescue
If the inflammation has just appeared, stop it with peppermint lotion: 2 tablespoons dried mint leaves Pour
0.5 liters of water, boil for 5-10 minutes, strain.
Then add 4 teaspoons of boric alcohol, 2 tablespoons It is highly calendula and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Wipe face lotion should regularly, about every half hour. Within hours you will notice an improvement.
2. As the yeast
One time-tested ways to resolve problems with the skin – yeast treatment. 20 grams of yeast mix with a little milk to the consistency of sour cream. Apply this mask on the face, but after some time to remove, “rolled” in a circular motion. Remains rinse with warm water.
3. Vegetables and fruit
Antiseptic effect will mask based on fruit and vegetable juices. Mix a tablespoon of powdered brewer’s yeast, half a tablespoon of natural yogurt, a teaspoon of lemon, orange and carrot juices. Put it on your skin, soak for 15 minutes, then remove the remnants of the mask with a cotton disk.
4. Herbal
For those who prefer herbal medicine and keeps a variety of herbal, fit the mask of dried petals, chamomile, linden and elder. Mix all ingredients in equal proportions, pour boiling water and leave for an hour.
Then add a tablespoon of crushed almonds, a teaspoon of flour and 5 grams of honey. Stir, and not letting cool, put on the injured area of the skin, hold for half an hour.
All herbal lotion must be stored in a cool, dark place. Remember that the shelf life herbal should not exceed two years.
5. Cleaning Wax
The ancient Greek physician Galen recommended for removal of inflammation use cleansing cream. His recipe is preserved to this day. One and a half tablespoons of wax or paraffin melt in a water bath. Mix 4 tablespoons of vaseline oil and 6 tablespoons of rose water, heat and pour in the wax.
When mixture has cooled slightly, add 2-3 drops of rose oil, mix well. These cream to “wash”, leave it on the skin for 10-15 minutes, then rinse face with warm water.
6. Tea tree oil – against bacteria
If the pimple has already “ripe”, it is better to remove manually, of course, do not forget to disinfect hands and skin before and after the procedure. Do not burn damaged area with iodine or alcohol: in addition to burning and redness that does not work. But a drop of tea tree oil to soothe skin and destroy bacteria.
7. Clay stop inflammation
The most unpleasant – to discover that the skin is the most conspicuous spot swollen and red, but to remove, in fact, nothing. “Culprit” of the problem – Skopje at the site of inflammation of the lymphatic fluid. In this case, a clay mask will help.
Purchase at the pharmacy dry blue or white clay, dilute it with water until the consistency of thick mashed potatoes and put on inflamed place. Leave for an hour. When the wash – you will see that the redness and swelling decreased.

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